It's that time again folks! Last week's introduction of the Wednesday Wordle went so swimmingly I've decided to make it a regular segment. Post your answers in the comments section once you've figured out the songs. Some of my favorites this week might be a little more difficult to the untrained eye so dig deep.
Still in the classic rock genre:





Good luck!
Got all but #2
1) Sweet Child o' Mine, GNR
2) ??
3) Rock and Roll All Night (And Party Every Day), Kiss
4) Purple Haze, Jimi
5) (Being For) The Benefit of Mr. Kite, Beatles
What do I win?
2) Have a Cigar, Pink Floyd.
It's just like you Naycha to do 4/5 of a job and want a prize. Shame, shame.
I went to Cobb County public school, where we learned the value of rewarding mediocrity and punishing achievement.
I mean, come on. I scored an some of my classes, I would have been vilified for screwing up the curve.
Kudos to sweetie for completing my partial work...she gets the save. Should have known you were throwing some Floyd in there.
Which schools did you go to?
Dammit! Too late again.
Alright, apparently I'm gonna have to be sure to vist your blog early on Wednesday mornings.
Clarkdale, Garrett, South Cobb.
Apparently, I've changed my screen name...formerly known as naychaboy.
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