Come in, my child, have a seat. I hope you brought some Wetnaps because I'm about to blow your mind all over the computer screen. I have here in my hand 3 envelopes with questions regarding this weekend's opponent and SEC rival, the Alabama Crimson Tide. I will use my psychic abilities to answer the questions before I open said envelope; and in turn will wow and amaze all you fine readers. Lets get started shall we?
Envelope #1 (holds to head)
Macknac: ...and the answer is, "Zero of the last Three".
Ed: ZERO of the last THREE Heh, Heh, Haaaaahhhh!
Macknac: ...thank you Ed McMahon.
Ed: ...YES SIR!
Macknac: (opens envelope) the question...How many of the past 3 hair plug operations have been successful enough for Nick Saban to fool people?
Ed: Heh, Heh, Haaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! ZERO!!!
Macknac: (looks at Ed blankly) ...right, that's what I said, thank you Ed.
Envelope #2 (holds to head)
Macknac: ...and the answer is, "Alabama Blackout"
Ed: Ala-Bama Blackout, Heh, Heh, Heeeehhhhh.
Macknac: (opens envelope) the question...What happens when Bama Defensive Tackle Terrence Cody stands in front of the Sun?
Envelope #3 (holds to head)
Macknac: ...and the answer is, "Gene Stallings"
Ed: Gene Stallings, Heh, Heh, Haaaaaaa.
Macknac: (opens envelope) the question...What is the molecular explanation to Alabama's lack of athletic ability?
{audience goes wild with applause, curtain draws}
Mack, let us know where you're tailgating Saturday at bubbanearl@hotmail.com. You and your Alabama wife are cracking us up this week...
We, as usual, will be on north campus.
Encore, Encore!!!
Dude...she didn't shove those envelopes where the sun don't shine, did she? Or at least inflict some serious paper cuts. I don't know ya, but I am concerned for your safety.
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