Some of these guys had been there before and told stories of stuff getting stolen from their trucks or being ticketed for open containers in the middle of their tailgate where USC fans were drinking as well but didn't receive tickets.
I know as well as the next guy how much USC hates Georgia, but I didn't think it was to this extent. Does anyone have similar stories about problems with either the police or crappy USC fans? This is my first trip to Columbia for a football game, I've been to the city before when I was in college, but not for a game. I'll gladly take any tips as to where I can find more Dawg-friendly places to tailgate, etc...
It probably won't help that I think...

looks like...

I'll make sure to yell that out when I'm getting arrested on Cops this weekend. Let me know if any of you guys will be making the trip, I might have to swing by and bum a drink from your tailgate.
As a Clemson fan I can tell you that there is nothing, at all, good about Columbia. Good luck.
Stadium sucks, but the time I went to a game there, I never had anything like that happen. I believe all but one of us will be making the trip.
I was in the Redcoats in 2000 (Quincy's Great 5 Interception Extravaganza) and I can tell you the walk back through the fairgrounds was pretty terrible. Ugly stadium, but loud.
I've been the last three games in Columbia. It's pretty much a warehouse industry and the fairgrounds next door. Be sure to bring plenty of food and drink b/c there's nothing close. I guess those "Cockomimiums" are turning out real well. You also can't miss the ginormous billboard that says "This is Spurrier country!". If there is a Hell, I feel it would look a whole lot like Columbia, SC.
"If there is a Hell, I feel it would look a whole lot like Columbia, SC"
Truer words have never been spoken.
went to sc in the mid 90's didn't have any incidents/run ins with the law, but thestadium is in the middle of an area that looks like cobb parkway or buford highway. I'm assuming that they have somewhat of a decent "Southern-style" campus, but it's nowhere near Bryant-Denny. As far as i remember the in stadium experiance was pretty good. Scream like hell for me and bring home a win!!!
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