As far as blogs go, there is an internet wasteland full of failed ventures. When I decided 2 football seasons ago to start Blogging Pantsless I was determined not to let it join the ranks of (insert name of dead blogs here).
Well, it appears as though I'd gone through a drought of spare-time and creativity. But today is my birthday, and my wife got me the coolest thing I couldn't have even guessed.
You know what this is? This is the complete 1st year of Blogging Pantsless in print. Apparently I had a lot more to write about during the 2007-2008 season because the damn thing is 250 pages long. I put a pencil in the side for a little perspective of thickness...
Here are a few excepts you die-hard pantsless fans might recall...
(ah the old, who would play the role of (SEC Coach) in a movie post...lolz)
There hasn't been any lack of news to write about, my work has just been crazy as we wrap up 2009. This gift was just the thing I needed to remind me how much I enjoy doing this. I'll get better, I promise...sometimes we just need a kick in the pants to remind us why we do the things we do. Thanks, Sweetie.
Just curious, how many times a week do you think to yourself "i have the most wonderful wife on the planet"?
Wow. Very cool gift indeed! I never would've thought of that. How thoughtful.
Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas to you both. Hope a fixed furnace was your next present today.
That's cooler than Crisco, Mack. If it includes the comments, I expect a percentage of the royalties.
FWIW, my wife's fave Pantless post was your preview to the Academy Awards. To be honest it was one of my favorites as well. Mainly cuz I think that whole Oscar thing is a bigger farce than the BCS. And that's saying sumpin'.
Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
That rocks!!! Where / How did she make that?
Happy Birthday!
This is a nice article to be read on.. keep on posting always..
Amanda Vanderpool CEO
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