...is this Aaron or Josh? (please say Josh)
If we somehow turn this season around and finish strong enough to get a Gameday hosting, I wouldn't expect this picture to completely disappear. Even those idiots in Auburn are smart enough to blow-up a picture at Kinkos.
Ok, i'm a stump. What's the big deal about the pic??? Is it supposed to make him look 'feminine' or something? Please explain...
See the comments section of the infomercial...that should pretty much explain everything.
Sorry it didn't hyperlink, but copy and paste the link into your browser to go to the infomercial.
Hey if it makes everyone play like Murray I say get the whole team using the shakeweight.
I think the video link you were looking for is this one :-)
He's so happy how can you be upset ? hahaha
Hes very handsome... and smiling he doesn't look like a feminine! he's a strong man.. Amanda Vanderpool
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